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Thursday, December 09, 2010


No more stupid BU people, although I do still have to check out so pray for no ridiculous fines. Although our RA is a pompous ass so who knows! I just finished packing everything except things I need tonight/tomorrow/for the airport and unbelievably everything fits. I seriously never thought that would happen, I'm amazed. However I will have to wear my rainboots which will be awkward because it's going to be a perfectly beautiful day andddd I put all my jeans in my backpack in hopes that my checked bags won't be overweight but now I think it's too heavy for me to carry so that may need to be adjusted...I'm taking the Tube all the way to Heathrow  with another girl in the program which should be verrrrry interesting and I am not in the slightest bit looking forward to it.

We have our end of semester party tonight which I'm looking forward to, except I'm still kind of recovering form the Paul Smith Christmas party. Since my office planned it everything was free all night at a club who's cheapest cocktail is like $14. It was kind of awkward at first but so much fun after; everyone was so nice and I'm definitely going to miss them, but not the work. That was on Tuesday night and I thought my exam was Wednesday so I left early. Didn't feel so hot the next morning but I rolled out of bed and off to take my exam without a minute of studying. Got to the academic building and found it odd that nobody else was there so I asked exam was today. I knew it was on the 9th but for some reason thought yesterday was the 9th. That was fun. Went back to bed after that, well I tried but it was difficult with the construction workers hammering away right on the other side of my wall. Ahhh I'm going to miss this place. But my exam was really easy seeing as he told us everything that would be on paper may not have been so good. We had to create and ad campaign for microwaveable omelettes - a ridiculous concept.

I just had a Skype interview for Orientation Leader so cross your fingers!!! I'm meeting Harriet for coffee tomorrow at Portobello Market, might get some last minute gifts since Dad is literally the hardest person in the world to shop for. Welp, that's it for now. Back to packing and cleaning!

So close to freedom

I'm nearly done with ever having to deal with BU assholes again. My exam is tomorrow at 9 and then I'm free!! We had to put bunkbeds back together and oh my god, I hate bunkbeds. I'm on the bottom and honestly my entire bed shakes with the tiniest movements from my roommate so just imagine how much it moves when she rolls over or something. Thankfully it's only for 3 nights.

Oh and I haven't mentioned that they've been doing construction in our basement from 8:30 am until like 4 pm or something. We were never informed this would be happening so imagine my shock as I rolled out of bed in my PJs to find strange men in the hallway. The hammering and drilling noises as well as the smell of paint fumes have made for an even more pleasant environment. Yeah, they would fix the windows right as we're leaving. Incompetency is great huh?

I still haven't heard from the guy in Boston about my housing refund request...that doesn't make me happy. Can't wait to be done and back to Saint Mike's where everyone's nice! :)

Monday, December 06, 2010

And the countdown begins.

I told you all this film was amazing...go see it. It's winning all these awards and I get to say I saw the premiere, pretty cool if I do say so myself :) I've watched Love Actually like 3 times in one week, almost forgot how ridiculously amazing that movie and Hugh and Colin are.

Also, the night before my birthday (the 4th) the cast of Glee was performing on X Factor, which is like American Idol. So we were like they're toooootally going out after and there are pictures of them outside this club Mahiki from the last time they were in London, so maybe they're going there. We go there every week for free because a kid in my program's internship has something to do with club promoting I think? Who knows. Anyway, I was so down to go even though we probably wouldn't be allowed in and if we were it would cost around £20. But then the night went downhill; my friend lost her wallet she and some other girls stayed in looking for it. So a few of us ended up hanging out then going to the club two doors down that never has any people. It sucked. Then I spent my entire birthday writing a paper until dinner when we went to my favorite Indian place. The guys there love me because my roommate and I are usually the only ones in there so they gave me the Chef's Special dish for free :) Would have preferred a dessert but I'll take it...

One paper (an ad campaign on microwavable omelets...such a ridiculous assignment) and one final left! All done on Wednesday, hoping I finish early enough Tuesday to go to the Paul Smith Christmas party, which is ironically at Mahiki.


Saturday, December 04, 2010

Almost done

   I can't believe I'll be home in 9 days, this trip flew by but I'm definitely ready. As departure day approaches, I have realized how much I love London. Hate BU...but love the city. Yesterday was my last day at Paul Smith. I did my normal shitty jobs all day, then we all got take out pizza and cupcakes which was really nice, then I did some other work, and then it was time to go. It was actually sad to leave, they kept saying "don't leave, we'll never make you do hangers again!" Which was almost tempting, except I knew that was a huge lie. Still, everyone was so nice and I am sad to leave them, just not the job. They gave me some of my stuff from the sample sale for free and a little gift bag of Paul Smith goodies which was unexpected and so nice. I might see them all Tuesday at the Christmas party if I decide to go/can get my work done. I have a paper due Monday and a big project along with a final on Wednesday. Going to be a stressful birthday weekend...

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

It's cold.

   Why would I have ever thought it would be a good idea to study in a city that basically has the same climate as Vermont, but generally with less snow? Snowed a lot yesterday but none of it really stuck to the ground here. Other parts of the UK got hit real hard and a lot of trains and airports are down because everything's frozen. Today it was just absolutely freezing with the wind, but I bought myself a lovely Euro winter hat! Our bathroom's been really really cold lately, which I thought was weird because it's tiny and our room's hot so it should be spreading...then I realized it must be because of the giant hole in the ceiling. I think I should have studied in Nice.

   Today was the sample sale. People get CRAZY at sample sales and the only people allowed at ours are employees of the company so I thought they'd be calm. I stayed out of the room until it settled down because it was so overwhelming. We played a game called find the ugliest thing in here. It was pretty easy...there's A LOT of hideous things. We don't buy our stuff until tomorrow when the head of the office is back. I'm hoping that means we get a discount? I found another cute baby thing and I almost bought a trench coat but it was like $110 and I couldn't bring myself to do it...but it had a weird top anyways. I got goodies for lots of people! No one gets theirs until after secret santa though, because if I only make some people pay me back, it would give it away, sorry! :)

   I decided to request a housing refund because my room sucks and they knew that coming into the semester and are fixing it AFTER we leave. So I figure it doesn't hurt to try.! And in case anyone forgot, my birthday is on Sunday, I'll be big deal.