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Thursday, December 09, 2010


No more stupid BU people, although I do still have to check out so pray for no ridiculous fines. Although our RA is a pompous ass so who knows! I just finished packing everything except things I need tonight/tomorrow/for the airport and unbelievably everything fits. I seriously never thought that would happen, I'm amazed. However I will have to wear my rainboots which will be awkward because it's going to be a perfectly beautiful day andddd I put all my jeans in my backpack in hopes that my checked bags won't be overweight but now I think it's too heavy for me to carry so that may need to be adjusted...I'm taking the Tube all the way to Heathrow  with another girl in the program which should be verrrrry interesting and I am not in the slightest bit looking forward to it.

We have our end of semester party tonight which I'm looking forward to, except I'm still kind of recovering form the Paul Smith Christmas party. Since my office planned it everything was free all night at a club who's cheapest cocktail is like $14. It was kind of awkward at first but so much fun after; everyone was so nice and I'm definitely going to miss them, but not the work. That was on Tuesday night and I thought my exam was Wednesday so I left early. Didn't feel so hot the next morning but I rolled out of bed and off to take my exam without a minute of studying. Got to the academic building and found it odd that nobody else was there so I asked exam was today. I knew it was on the 9th but for some reason thought yesterday was the 9th. That was fun. Went back to bed after that, well I tried but it was difficult with the construction workers hammering away right on the other side of my wall. Ahhh I'm going to miss this place. But my exam was really easy seeing as he told us everything that would be on paper may not have been so good. We had to create and ad campaign for microwaveable omelettes - a ridiculous concept.

I just had a Skype interview for Orientation Leader so cross your fingers!!! I'm meeting Harriet for coffee tomorrow at Portobello Market, might get some last minute gifts since Dad is literally the hardest person in the world to shop for. Welp, that's it for now. Back to packing and cleaning!

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