This week's been really busy at work but I finally got through a whole week without dreading it. We started setting up for the sample sale and since we set it up/run it, we get to put aside anything we want to make sure no one buys it first, pretty good deal. So I set aside two t-shirts and a little bag for myself, a scarf for mom, a surprise for dad, and some cuff links for Matt, Greg, and Alex (Greg's the only one who has confirmed that he wants them soooo get on that boys), AND the cutest little onesie for the new Monahan baby. But ya, moving all of this season's clothes and accessories downstairs then moving next season's into the showroom was a lot of work...and it's still not done. Today we had an event from was the grand opening of Paul's new store in Claridge's, a really old and famous hotel in London. It was absolutely beautiful. So Paul was at the opening and it was a bunch of journalists and stylists I think, but we had to dress up and wear all Paul Smith things so I got to raid the sample sale with one of the girls and tried on a bunch of stuff. I looked so European it was awesome. I decided I might buy some high-waisted black trousers because they looked fantastic on me but need to be hemmed. I figure they'll come in style in the US by next year...
Yesterday, I looked out the window and saw 6 police cars (including 2 riot vans) and an ambulance. I was like WHAT THE HELL? Then I remembered there's a mental hospital/housing facility across the street. So naturally, I decided to be nosey and watch the drama unfold. About 5 minutes later, 2 cops came out and opened the doors, then 3 more came out restraining this poor mentally ill woman, who were followed by another 2 cops with riot shields. I couldn't help but think all the riot bits were a little much but hey, who knows. So anyways, this poor woman was screaming and resisting the whole time saying she wanted to go back inside to where it was warm. It was really sad. They were putting her in a van so I walked away. Then I went back about 10-15 minutes later, and I see they're all still out there and they're just handcuffing her. She was still yelling which was still just as disturbing. THEN more cops and EMTs came out with a man (I assume also ill) in a wheel chair and he had a bloody bandage around his head. It made me sick to my stomach. I officially left after that...clearly she had attacked him. I thought it was a pretty good story....
GOOD NEWS THOUGH!! I found out that I can take a day off for Thanksgiving/when Alex and Julie come IN ONE WEEK! :) We're going to try this "American BBQ" restaurant that has a big Thanksgiving dinner special...should be interesting!!
.....and more of my favorite new pictures.
People were actually petting these... |
Covent Garden X-Mas Lights! (where I work & clearly where Quincy Market/Faneuil Hall got their inspiration) |
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