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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Well, my week just turned around

   After another pretty crappy day at work, I began my walk, bus ride, then walk more, commute home because there was a tube strike today. As I approached Leicester Square I saw a huge commotion and they told me I had to go around. This pissed me right off. So I'm walking through the Walpole-esque Carnival just really annoyed and scared of the carnis, when all of a sudden I look up to see Zach Galifianakis' beautiful face on a huge screen. I had stumbled upon the red carpet premier of Due Date (which looks absolutely hilarious) with Zach, Robert Downey Jr, and Jamie Foxx. The annoying red carpet lady announced the stars were on their way, so I stayed even though I was all alone and felt like a huge loser. Unfortunately, I left my camera in my room and only had my phone...not the best quality pictures.
    Robert arrived first, gave a pretty funny interview, then made his way around to sign autographs/take pictures. I was two people away from an autograph. Some lady left after that, so I made my way to the front where the gate was. THEN...Zach arrived. He was wearing a brownish corduroy suit, which he said he got for $150 in Cali, matched with a lovely beanie. He gave a hilarious interview, made a pedophilia joke, then made his way around the crowd. I happened to have sniped a Paul Smith notebook from work today, and managed to get an autograph AND in the most nervous, shaky (possibly a squeak in there too) I told him that Between Two Ferns was pure least I hope that's what came out of my mouth? I get really star struck. I didn't really care to wait for Jamie Foxx, I wanted to get back. Oh, and Paul Smith gave me a semi-noogie today after he entered the office using a hand-puppet of a bunny to talk to us...he's a bit eccentric. So my bad week became a phenomenal week in just a few short minutes. Thank you, Zach and Robert.

Zach's signature!

    Oh and I was accepted to do a service trip with MOVE in Louisiana January 8-15th, SO happy about it. I've wanted to do something like this for a while now. It's similar to habitat for humanity, should be a great experience.

And I'm officially starting to get pretty homesick.

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