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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I hate BU.

I'm so pissed off at this program right now.

I will elaborate now that I've calmed my temper and am not rushing off to work. So we're still in our dungeon of a room, with no natural sunlight or air, looking out through our sealed shut window onto the beautiful fire escape in the middle of the building. I emailed the Director of Student Life (again) asking if there was any progress on getting our window unsealed or if we could move into the empty room down the hall. He responded saying that he was sorry, he thought our problem had been resolved, which was nice of him, and that we could move to a basement quad in a building about a 10-15 minute walk from ours where the windows open. Oh great! Another basement and we'd have to lug all of our clothes and food there.

So I asked again, what about the room 2 doors down from us? And he responded in quite a hostile tone I believe, saying that it is not well ventilated enough for anyone to live in it and he doesn't think those windows open either. Now I REALLY want to respond that we'll buy our own fan if it means we can get some natural sunlight and get out of the shithole we're in now...and while we're on that topic, how is that room not well ventilated enough but ours is? But I'm refraining from responding to him anymore because I'm so fed up. I think that will clear it up for you Stephanie :) haha


  1. don't leave your readers hanging... details!!

  2. Just the answer I was looking for - THANKS!!!!

    Hope you, Greg and your friends are having a blast! So jealous.. thanks a lot, nursing school.
