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Monday, October 25, 2010

Weekend Guests :)

   This weekend was a bit hectic but SO fantastic. After finding Greg at a Starbucks, he went to Harriet's and I went back to my place to wait for Natalie and Lacie! They didn't get in until 2:30-3 AM so it was a long wait but it was sooo good to see them :) After yelling at the cabbie for ripping them off, we went inside and discussed our plans for Friday...I woke up early to get breakfast with Greg in Notting Hill, and the girls slept in. Breakfast was delicious, then Greg decided to accompany us on our tour of London and thank god he did because I hadn't actually gotten around to seeing some of the things he brought us to...I know that's terrible. We walked around all day and it was really nice out so we were lucky. After a long day of site seeing, I convinced Greg to join us at this Indian restaurant down the road and he liked it! Who would have thought Greg or I would ever eat Indian food? We're growing up.
    Greg parted ways after dinner...he went to meet up with Guy and some other people from their Australian adventure at a piano bar...I'm think it's safe to assume things got weird so I'm glad I skipped that. The girls, my roommate, and I went to a pub down the street where we met some Hungarians and some Brits from a church group (they go to the pub after their meetings like 3 or 4 times a week?). The Sri Lankan unsuccessfully tried converting me. Anyways, the girls had a great time experiencing their first "traditional British pub" as Natalie lovingly kept calling it. We decided just to go to bed after the pub closed after midnight so we could get up early.
    Saturday, we woke up at 9 and went to Harrods. They each got an ornament I believe and I got a little Westie holding a Harrods' scarf in his mouth ornament :) Then we got some bagels because not many placed over here have bagels, and no places in Florence do apparently so that's all they wanted! And damn was it a good bagel. I thought I'd show them Notting Hill before they had to leave for the airport, unfortunately the entire Circle Line has been closed the last 2 weekends so getting there is a huge pain in the ass and we ended up only having about an hour to walk around so we saw the beginning of Portobello Market...they saw all the pretty colored buildings though and that's one of the best parts! Then Greg picked us up in the cab he had called to get us to the football match, we had to basically push Natalie and Lacie out the door and then we were off. I felt so bad but we couldn't be late for the match!
yes, we know we're good looking...relaxxx
    Greg and our cab driver talked about concrete for most of the ride, and he pointed out a £140 million flat by Harrods with an elevator for their cars and a garage right next to their flat, no big deal. We finally got to Millwall and I must say, it was a bit scary. There were cops everywhere and some on horses with shields over their eyes. Gotta keep those football hooligans in line. We were nicely welcomed into the director's box, had delicious pork for lunch with a side of chips, then went out to watch the game right at half field. The fans are divided by which team they support and there is a line of cops keeping them from getting too close at the corners of the stadium. The two groups basically taunted each other the entire game, it was hilarious. The best line was something like "Millwall's a shithole, I wanna go home" and just chanting "wankers"at each was tremendous. They even have separate exits for the fans, it's incredible. The train ride home was a little nerve-wracking but we made it out alive! We went our separate ways then met up for dinner with Harriet, her boyfriend, and Guy. Needless to say I was quite excited for this.
   We did not stop laughing throughout the entire dinner. Every word out of Guy's mouth is pure genius. Greg and I both got chicken and mashed potatoes...classic. Then we went to a bar but went back pretty early because we were leaving for Harriet's parents house in the country kind of early. Guy texted Harriet at 8am saying he couldn't come because he was still out drinking. Harriet's parents could not be nicer. Her mom made a delicious pork roast with potatoes and I even tried the parsnip dish, it wasn't too bad either! For dessert, she made a like chocolate mousse cake with cocoa on top and cream to pour on was sooooooooooooo gooooooooood. After lunch we walked around the garden, saw the pool and the tennis court which overlook a beautiful field with sheep. AH it was so pretty!!! We walked down the road as well, saw some more sheep and some horses and more prettiness. When we got back, we sat around the fire and read newspapers. I felt like an intellectual. We got back to London around 8pm and Greg and I got kabobs at his favorite place, which were unbearably spicy and I couldn't handle it. Then I gave him some of my crap that I didn't need and we went to watch the Pats game! Perfect Sunday. Greg left this morning after we had sad :( But such a great weekend.

Next weekend....BARCELONA!!! With Molly, Natalie, Lacie and Brian!!!!!! :)

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