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Thursday, October 21, 2010

The King's Speech

   My roommate and I just saw the King's Speech at the London Film Festival Premier, where we met Helena Bonham Carter, Sir Benjamin Kingsley, Geoffrey Rush, and...wait for it....COLIN FIRTH. When Colin was standing face to face with us, I literally couldn't speak or move so my pictures of him aren't quite as good but it's okay because I got his autograph :) They were all so miserable to be doing autographs and everyone just yells their names over and over again, just like the seagulls in Finding Nemo saying 'mine, mine'...but as much as I wanted to feel bad for them I couldn't becuase they make millions of dollars doing it. Anyways, I feel like I just reached a major turning point in my life. It was amazing. And while yes, meeting them was incredible, the film was also spectacular, you all must see it. It's going to win A LOT of awards. Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush's acting was unbelievable and Helena's was fantastic as well. Also, the cinematography (which is not something I usually notice) was extremely well done. It's funny and it's sad at times. GO SEE IT. I can't get over my night, they were right in front of me...RIDICULOUS.
    However, towards the end of the film all I was doing was worrying if Greg was alive and checking Yahoo news for any plane crashes. Little did I know Sentient just messed up with his international service so he was alive, he just wasn't getting my bbms. Thank goodness for bbm, though, because Greg called Matt from a pay phone and told him where he was, and he happened to be down the road from my flat so I went to meet him, WOO! So I saw Greg for about 15 minutes, then he left and we're meeting for breakfast tomorrow morning. Now I am waiting for Natalie and Lacie to get here!!!!! But their flight was delayed I think so it's a lat night for me. OH and I saw Paul Smith for the first time today, not that we talked or anything, just saw him in the office....solid day for Jill! Minus finding out that Colin Firth is married with 2 sons...

Colin <3
Sir Ben
Alia and Me

The cast standing at the end of our row..
Geoffrey Rush!

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