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Thursday, September 09, 2010

Apparently we get homework?

   So this was our first week of classes. My "Contemporary Issues in British Welfare" professor is hilariously awkward. There are 11 girls in my class. Kind of boring so far because he's just been lecturing and I was falling asleep the 2nd day, I felt really bad...but then he gave us a break and I ran to Starbucks for a delicious frappaccino (Greg keep your comments to yourself) and I was set for the next 2 hours. Britain has free health care for everyone so we're taking a field trip to a hospital in a not so great area sometime soon which will be interesting/probably quite depressing. Oh but he did invite us all to a class pub night so I've got that going for me.
    My marketing class is good, I really like the professor and the subject is interesting. Already had a lot of reading and have been assigned a big project due in 3 weeks. We took a field trip today to the Museum of Brands, and it was in Notting Hill which I hadn't yet been to and it's beautiful there, can't wait to meet Harriet there Saturday. Anyways, the museum had different ads/propaganda/packaging from the 1880s until now...really cool. The 90's had some Spice Girls stuff which is always exciting. So now we have to write a paper on trends in the ads, I'm doing mine on how advertisements portray what a woman's role in society "should be".

   Onto more exciting interview with Paul Smith is tomorrow, pretty nervous/excited about that. I went to the British Museum with a friend and it was awesomeeee. I think Greg, Mom, and I may have gone there but I don't fully remember? We only made it to the Egyptian and Greek/Roman exhibits. I can't understand how they made such humongous things in such incredible detail. The museum has a total of 94 exhibits, so we have a ways to go.
   Then last night we went to "Fashion Night Out" on Oxford Street hoping to see celebrities and designers and get free stuff, like the ads said, but we ended up getting there too late and basically missed most of the activities and free stuff and saw zero celebrities. It was still fun and we discovered a lot of inexpensive places to shop, yay! Then today, after my field trip, I went to the Museum of Natural History and it was also AMAZING. Dinosaurs, mammals, ecology exhibits...right up my ally (and Greg's because there was a whale/dolphin section).
    Housing update: my roommate and I cannot stand living in a basement anymore so we requested to be moved to a regular floor if there are any openings. Maybe on a regular floor they'll even let us open the windows so we don't smell every time we go into our stifling hot kitchen! BU has been disappointing me a lot lately. However, the maintenance man did fix our fridge so now our food isn't going bad, we still have to request to be reimbursed some for all the spoiled food. Pisses me right off. Well, off to spend more money on my Tube pass...159 pounds (approx. $263) a month for the student pass. Great deal...?

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