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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 3

   So I'm quite depressed because I missed the Patriots game Sunday to go to the Thames Festival. The festival was pretty fun, cool Latin music concert with a guy in a shimmery gold suit who later made animal noises as he walked by random people, good food, cool market. However, the fire works (which was basically our reason for going at night) were horrendous. They lasted 5-10 minutes and were behind a building...not well executed by the Brits.
   Back to football...the guys across the hall are Jets fans and were going to Sports Cafe, down by Piccadilly Circus, on Monday so I was like I need my football fill, maybe this will make me feel better about missing the Pats. This proved to be very false. I feel like a trader. Luckily they were also playing the US Open match so I watched some of that when I got bored. But anyways, it was cool for the guys because there were like 3 other groups of people from New York/New Jersey there to watch the game...I'll definitely be going back for the next Pats game.
   My friend Danielle and I left at half time because the game started at midnight therefore it was about 2am and we were tired. Then, trying to find the right night bus took us about another half an hour. The night buses here are SO confusing and the tube stops running at 12 and the bus drivers are not the least bit helpful, although you can't really blame them because they're dealing with drunk assholes all night.
    I found out that during the internship phase, which starts Oct 11th or something, I will have my internship Tuesday-Friday and my one class on Monday from 9am-1pm. That is legitimately the worst scheduling I could have. Traveling is going to be a pain because I'll have to leave really late on Friday (work until 6) and come back late Sunday. Needless to say, I'm extremely disappointed about this.
    BU has been full of disappointments lately. Our internet goes in and out all the time and sometimes our computers just completely disconnect for no reason at all, which they keep saying they're going to fix (it's happened twice while writing this post). However, they might be replacing our window/the kitchen windows in a few weeks so that we can actually open them seeing as we're the only students who can't...wouldn't that be a treat? Now we won't smell like crap every time we walk into our kitchen, oh yay! Oh and for those of you who may be curious as to why our windows are's because the fire escape is outside our window and if we were to open it during a fire, smoke would then roll out into I guess they'd rather us be trapped in our room during a fire than make the fire escape smokey. Sorry I have a lot of anger towards BU right now.
    One good thing BU does is give us access to purchasing London Film Festival tickets in advance and for a very discounted rate. I bought a ticket to the opening night's film (aka lots of celebrities?) "Never Let Me Go," featuring Keira Knightley and Carey Mulligan. I also bought a ticket to "The King's Speech," with Colin Firth <3 and Helena Bonham Carter. So they'll all be at those premiers. Plus, oddly enough, Will Ferrell has a film premiering there so I might go there just for the red carpet or whatever it's called because if I saw him my life would be near complete.
    Classes suck. Four hours of one class is really rough. Already have an essay due in a week, plus working on a project due in about 2/3 weeks. They apparently grade extremely hard here so that will be interesting. Learning a lot about the National Health Service here in the UK. It has its pros and cons, mostly pros but it is quite flawed in some areas. The US really needs to hop on board, I don't see how people can oppose making health care a right and ensuring everyone gets the care they deserve. But also, I don't understand how students here pay only around £3,000 to go to university yet we're paying around $45,000 in the US. Seriously messed up. I won't bore you with more details about any of this, just worth mentioning.
    On a happier note, we're going to Bath and Avebury for the day on Saturday so I'm very excited, they both look really cool. On another note, I'm really bummed about the clothes I brought. I have too many of some things and not enough of others,mainly because I didn't expect the weather to be so nice for so long. AND Greg told me not to bring my Uggs because nobody wears them here, however everyone wears them! If only he was a good brother and would bring a big suitcase when he comes over to bring me things I forgot and bring back things I don't want :) On the topic of Greg, I skyped with him, Steph, and of course Sydney over the weekend. She was rockin the head tilt when I said her name or whistled it was pretty funny. Obviously she was wagging her tail because she misses me so much. Now I'd like to skype with my puppies because I'm having dog withdrawal. So yea, those were my past few days/future plans. Hopefully this weekend will bring lots of goodness.

    In other news: It's Always Sunny premiers tomorrow and I have yet to find a website that will play videos in the UK/our house is such shit that the internet being messed up also affects  the web filtering system and blocks sites that shouldn't be (like photo sharing and video watching)...unacceptable.

Oops, sorry I rambled for a while and now this post is crazy long.


  1. I told you not to listen to that fool about not bringing your uggs!!! Uggs will never die.

  2. I don't care about Uggs.

    The best part of the Brits paying 3,000 pounds for university is that they FREAKED OUT a few years ago when it jumped from 1,500 to 3,000. Like that was the end of the world for them. Ask Harriet. Spoiled bastards.

  3. And they were all in HUGE debt for their student loans...we talked about it in class today.

    Thanks for your support, Steph!!
