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Friday, September 03, 2010

First Weekend

   I miss Alliot and my unlimited meal plan. Being a real person and going grocery shopping sucks, I already have to go back and spend more money.
   Anyways...I'm pretty beat. Slept in for the first time today which was amazing, but still not feeling so well. We had a program wide party at a club last night which was really fun, and apparently it's acceptable for the staff to drink with us. Got back at 5am after searching what felt like all of London for the correct bus to take back, never doing that again.
   On another note, I've realized how glad I am that I didn't go to BU. Aside from my roommate and a few others, the girls seem quite unfriendly, especially in comparison to most people at Saint Mike's. But, I keep making connections with people in my program to people at home or at school, small world.

   The British keep getting annoyed with us for walking on the wrong side of the sidewalks and aisles. It's funny, I never thought about the fact that people would walk on the same side as they drive. Oh and cars/buses don't stop for you if you're crossing the street, almost got hit a few times but it's all good...AND I experienced my first protest yesterday. Hasidic Jews with signs saying something about how they don't support what's going on in Israel. Cops were all surrounding them, generally not something you'd see in Medfield or Colchester...still waiting for the big rallies Greg's told me about, though.
   I guess I should mention academics too? Well, I had my first class yesterday morning, it's my "core" marketing class. The professor is awesome, she's Irish, and we have it Wed/Thurs for 4 hours each day which is a struggle, and then our electives are Mon/Tues for the same amount of time.
   I have an interview with Paul Smith next week which I'm very nervous about, I hope they accept me. Even one of the women who works at internship placing was impressed that I was assigned to their press office, so it's definitely going to be a great experience.
   Now I'm off to either the V&A or Natural History Museum (both are right across the street from my building...and FREE) then we're going to Harrod's so I can make myself feel bad about not having enough money to buy anything in that store.

(p.s. If you haven't already seen, I posted a bunch of pictures on Facebook...I think I should be a photographer, some of those shots are pretty damn good.)

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