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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bath & Avebury

Awkward solo shot of the day
    Today we went to Bath and Avebury and I am now obsessed with the countryside. It's awesome. I'm pretty pissed about the time we were allotted in Bath because I would have liked to have spent our whole day there. After a 2 and a half hour bus ride, we stood outside the Roman Baths for about 20 minutes waiting for our group to be allowed in, then we spent an hour plus going around the museum/archeology site. It was really cool but had I realized the lack of time we had I would have rushed through it. So basically, when we were done at the museum we had to go find lunch, walked through the abbey real quick, looked over the garden, and then we had to leave. We hardly got to walk around the little village that's there so I think we'll just have to see how much it costs to take a train and go back.
Sacred Spring (one of the Roman baths)

     An hour and a half later (because we missed the road) we arrived at Avebury. Very rural, sheep everywhere, cute little homes. We went there because there are gigantic stones placed in circle formations. It's not like Stonehenge, though, because the stones have not been sculptured. It was pretty cool and I saw 2 westies and a cairn :) but I definitely would have preferred to stay in Bath. Oh well! Now we're off to Soho in a bit to check out the area. It's going to be an early night though, I'm beat.

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