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Sunday, September 05, 2010

One Week Down...

   So we didn't go to the Natural History Museum because it was a Saturday and it was absolutely packed and some of the people I was with didn't want to go to an art museum, SO we went to the science museum which is also across the street and is also free. However, I was pretty unimpressed by it. I guess I was expecting it to be similar to the Museum of Science and less about the history of technology basically.
   We did go to Harrods though! I bought two fantastic items (as some of you may have seen on our family video chat)...a notepad with a West Highland Terrier on it, they had stuffed animals too but Lou's cuter anyways, AND I got my future niece/nephew their first stuffed animal! We went through a couple of other departments and I forgot how amazing the decorations are in each of the rooms there.
   One of the girls on my floor and I tried taking the tube to go shopping today, but a bunch of the lines are under construction in preparation for the Olympics and we didn't know how to go. So we stayed around here again, definitely itching to explore other areas...but it did rain today for the first time I've been here so I guess it was good we were close.
  Our first week of classes starts tomorrow, not looking forward to that at all. I don't see how 4 straight hours of "Contemporary Issues in British Welfare" can possibly be enjoyable.

  Well, time to go make some dinner. We're doing a twilight ride on the London Eye tonight, very excited!

1 comment:

  1. You win the award for first gift for the baby....and you happen to be the furthest away!
